The Top 10 Reasons To Become A School Psychologist
It's not like it was that long ago when I completed my School Psychology graduate program but it's actually for 16 years since then. It's been a while since I graduated and so much changes have occurred in the area of PsicologoScolastico . But, it appears that my reasons for being an educator have been the same. These are the reasons: 1.) The salary isn't all that poor. Even though we're required to finish 3 years of graduate studies, which includes a one-year work experience which is typically not paid, School Psychologists are payed fairly effectively. The salary range is thought to be around the $60 to 80K in the range of 5 to 10 years of working experience. 2.) The time off for vacation isn't too bad as well. School psychologists are typically on the 210-day contracts or similar, and don't have to work all summer long unless they are looking to make additional cash. This gives them time to spend with family members or enjoy long-term vacations durin